Hello, there, and thanks for dropping by!

I’m Jen: a freelance writer, and mum to a three-year-old whirlwind. I’m also a freshly-minted treevangelist; having lived so many years in the city without much access to trees, I am often found banging on about how we all should live surrounded by them.

At the end of 2015, we upped sticks and headed for the hills (specifically, the Blue Mountains) in search of a life less crazy. You can read the backstory here.

It’s early days, but so far, so good.

seeding the wild is all about feeding and sharing in the wonder of little imaginations, and nourishing hearts, minds and bodies. Here you’ll find little pieces of family life with littlies: the incredible (and for me, long forgotten) joy of growing your own food, connecting with the environment, preparing and cooking meals that encourage kids to love good food, activities that inspire and entertain both kids and their carers, DIY projects, and probably the occasional post (rant, possibly) about the roller-coaster that is parenting.

I’d really love seeding the wild to be a community of people finding and sharing little ways they connect with their family, community, the environment, and themselves… whether you’ve upped sticks and made – or want to make – big life changes, or just want to find little ways to feed your imagination and make your family time and personal time, well, just more. Or just to meet some people in the same place as you are, metaphorically speaking. We’re all just making it up as we go along, right?

So make yourself a cuppa and settle in. I can’t wait to get to know you.

seeding the wild